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Comprehensive Scaffolding Framework



“We can no longer succeed—or even tread water—with an education system handed down to us from the industrial age, since what we no longer need is assembly-line workers. We need one that instead reflects and reinforces the values, priorities, and requirements of the creative age. Education reform must, at its core, make schools into places where human creativity is cultivated and can flourish.”
—Richard Florida, Flight of the Creative Class



The gradual transition towards a creative economy has led to a paradigm shift in the learning process. Learning systems need to be transformed everywhere; and not just in formal institutions, such as schools and colleges. From deciding what to learn, where to learn, and how to learn and be evaluated, everything is being decided by the learner.
Apple, Google, Alibaba – creative economy giants that redefined how you do business. The human resources that such businesses will seek to engage with are not people who toe the line, but people who “think different”. Like bats that navigate in the dark using sensors, the current and future workforce will need to predict an unforeseen future and navigate it. To meet this unique need, continuous and lifelong-learning is indispensable.



Are you a specialist – a Subject Matter Expert or a domain expert, holding valuable knowledge in your chosen field? If you are, then you have a unique advantage in current times. There are many people out there who would want to learn from your expertise; think like you do, and work like you do. But, can you wear the hat of a knowledge giver with equal ease; do you also have it in you to disseminate knowledge? Or, are you a teacher, a trainer or an instructional designer? If yes, then you are already disseminating knowledge. But, do you have it in you to disseminate knowledge in ways that appeal to Gen Y – the Millennial Generation?



If you are any of the above, then Instructional Design (ID) is a skill that you need to master. It is no longer a “nice-to-have” skill; rather, it is something that will give you an edge as a knowledge giver in the creative economy.


Some may argue that instructional design has its origins in the industrial age, and is not suited for the creative economy. But, we disagree. It is more than suitable. It is valuable. It is the answer to the needs of the creative economy. It all depends upon how you perceive it, and how you apply it.


Find out more. Read our white paper, Comprehensive Scaffolding Framework © – A 360° Model for Instructional Design. A model designed to address the unique learning needs and challenges of the creative economy, with instructional design at its core.


To purchase this white paper, click here.