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Instructional Design Toolkit

Writing a proposal? Mentoring a newbie? Reviewing a script? Wanting to clarify a doubt? Wanting to quote a rationale to convince a reviewer or a customer? Don’t waste time searching the Internet. Pick our free, ready-to-use tools and templates, and get going.



Instructional Design – Simply Put

This article captures the essence of Instructional Design without using any jargon. Those new to Instructional Design or lay persons may read this to get a bird’s eye view of this discipline and what it entails.


Avatars in E-Learning: Boring, Overenthusiastic or Authentic?

Once a smart learner, sat down eagerly
To take an E-Learning course
But the well-meaning “Avatar”, preached so much
The learner’s zeal turned into remorse

How do you include an avatar that is neither dull nor too preachy? Find out in this article.


Case Study, Scenario, Story: Same Difference?

The term Case Study is often used loosely and interchangeably with the terms scenario and story-based learning. This often causes a lot of confusion. What if we could devise a method to elicit exactly what the client desires? But, is it possible to cut down the iterations and figure this out up-front? Well, we can definitely make an effort. Read on, to find out.


K-12 | Higher Education| Adult Learning: Mapping some Guidelines with Educational Psychology

Often Instructional Designers quote guidelines that they have heard being mouthed by organizational veterans. Few, however, try to understand the rationale for these theories, or connect these with the work of educational psychologists’. Here are some such guidelines and their mapping with Educational Psychologists.


Analysis & Design: Textbook for Primary & Middle Classes

Is Instructional Design for K-12 textbooks the same as Instructional Design for Multimedia? The answer is Yes, and No. This article provides practicing instructional designers an overview to designing chapters for K-12 textbooks.


How to Write a White Paper

You want to write a white paper, but you are unable to get started. Well, help is just around the corner. Practical tips in this presentation will help you get started with writing a white paper. What’s more, you may write to us for some online coaching and mentoring.


Blended Learning Models
Published by Learning Circuits, ASTD

Not all courses are suitable for adapting to the E-learning format. Content that requires a great deal of knowledge integration and synthesis, and that which is best approached in team settings are better suited for classroom learning. Industry research has proven that basic and intermediate knowledge about a subject is best suited for E-learning. After employees have mastered the basics, then a couple of classroom and discussion sessions help employees to apply their learning in the workplace. Read the following paper to understand how Blended Learning should be designed.


Designing games for E-learning: A Framework
Published by Learning Circuits, ASTD

A human being’s natural motivation to play games can be used to engage learners in actively mastering several important mental and social skills. When people participate in a game, they are completely involved and this helps in learning and remembering. Through games, learners can develop self-control, social relationships, and problem-solving and reasoning skills. Read this article to find out how games can be used in E-Learning.


Audio Narration in E-Learning: A Framework
Published by Knowledge Platform Ltd.

Effective instruction is all about using the appropriate media to communicate with the learners. Audio or voice over is an integral part of most E-Learning courses. Though the jury is still out on the best way to integrate audio, one can make an informed decision by understanding the pros and cons of various approaches. Read the following paper for a summary of the various audio narration styles with a list of pros and cons for each.


Overcoming the Limitations of Multiple choice Questions (MCQs) in online assessments
Published by Knowledge Platform Ltd.

Every training program has a set of objectives that it aims to achieve—but how do you ensure that the objectives have been achieved at the end of the training program? Summative Assessment or post-test is the technique by which you evaluate whether the learner has achieved the objectives laid out at the beginning of the module. Do you find yourself stuck with creating staid and run-of-the-mill multiple choice questions always? Read this paper if you want to get some ideas on adding variety to MCQs.


Interactivity in E-learning
Published by Knowledge Platform Ltd.

All of us at some point or other would have attended a classroom training session and found it very engaging despite not having actively participated in the training. What is it that we found in the training that made us call it engaging? The facilitator? The content? Does interactivity only imply hands-on sessions and responding to questions? Or is it more than that? In this article, the concept of interactivity is explained from various dimensions.




Learning Phase Cue Sheet

In the learning phase of your course development cycle? Use this template to capture every essential element in the content, and help you expedite your learning process. Meant for Analysts, Designers and Content Developers.


Design Phase Cue-Sheet

Creating the High Level Design for a course? Refer to this cue-sheet to capture the design elements and create a robust design. Meant for Analysts and Designers.


Scripting Phase Cue-Sheet

Developing a storyboard? Use this cue-sheet to script, and avoid oversights or misses. Meant for Content Developers.


Feedback Design Cue Sheet

Did you know that feedback may be written in various ways, depending upon the situation? How do you ensure that the feedback to Quizzes in your online course is remedial, content-specific or response-specific? Refer to this cue sheet to vary feedback styles.


Review Phase Cue-Sheet

Reviewing a script? Refer to this cue-sheet. It addresses all the elements that must go into a script to make it immersive and effective. It also explains how you should give constructive feedback – so that the developer learns and evolves, and doesn’t become defensive. Meant for ID Reviewers.


Avatar Evaluation Tool

Thinking of including an avatar in your E-Learning Course? Use this tool to evaluate and ascertain whether your avatar is boring, overenthusiastic or Just Right! Meant for Analysts and Designers.


Case Studies, Scenario, Story – Resource Allocation Guide

Some of us have the ability to ramble, while some of us write straight and simple. How is writing different for Case Studies, Scenarios and Stories? Which resource type is the best fit for each? Use this tool to allocate resources. Meant for Project Mangers, Specialists and Analysts.


ILT to E-Learning Conversion Cue Sheet

Working on a project that requires you to convert ILT to E-Learning? What is the ideal ratio? 1:2 or 1:3? Is it always standard, or does it change depending upon the type of ILT? This cue sheet will help Project Managers and ID Practitioners to arrive at the right effort based on the situation.


Scripting for Video Job Aid

Video scripts are written to be heard not read. It’s common knowledge yet why do writers struggle with writing video scripts? This job aid will provide writers with some useful tips and guidelines to write effective video scripts.