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New Courses Coming Soon!

Here are some of the upcoming courses on www.purnima-valiathan.com.


discover-ID (1)

Discover ID for Beginners is an interactive task-based course for Instructional Design Beginners. It takes the learner through the complete Development Life Cycle (DLC) with specific focus on content development or scripting.

This course is aimed at Beginners – those starting off as Instructional Designers or Instructional Design Trainees who may have a certificate in the discipline but are not yet exposed to how Instructional Design is applied at work. The course is also meant for teachers and trainers who want to learn about the basics of Instructional Design because they are collaborating with Instructional Designers for creating E-Learning or Classroom-based training.





ID for K-12 is a self-paced, Interactive Workbook meant for Instructional Designers who possess a basic understanding of Instructional Design processes and frameworks, but do not have any experience in K-12 Instructional Design.

The Workbook will help such professionals get work-ready to take up K-12 projects. It is also aimed at K-12 teachers who want to understand how ID is applied in K-12, and are looking at integrating ICT in their lesson plans.



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