Some learning trends to look out for in 2016:
- Micro-Skills
- Short-bursts of Learning
- Device-agnostic content
- Videos
Goldilocks of the Brain: Creating a Content Outline is a sample learning module on www.purnima-valiathan.com that showcases all these features (Micro-Skills, Short-bursts of Learning, Device-agnostic content and Videos).
Go through the sample to see how these features are rendered, and in the process learn to design a Content/Program Outline for a course. You may view this sample on any device – iPad, Smartphone, Laptop or Desktop.
Other learning trends to look out for in 2016: Content Curation, Open Learning Resources and Gamification.
This blog is an example of Content Curation on the topic Learning Design Trends, and the ID Toolkit and Subject Matter Experts sections on our website are examples of Open Learning Resources.
To read more about 2016 Learning trends, do check out the following links:
7 Key E-Learning Trends for 2016
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